Thursday, October 7, 2010

Peter Line - YES! teacher

Peter's Experience teaching at Disney School at Chicago

These kids are so bright and eager to learn this knowledge! Most of them understand it already but it just needs a little reminder for them, to help bring it more to their awareness,so they can apply it more readily in their lives. Ive been teaching 5th Graders this week and I am struck by their depths and sharpness of understanding the knowledge points that we discuss in class.

One example is that we were discussing what things were called in life that can hurt us, things that we are unaware of and follow us around like a shadow...and immediately two kids put their hands up and one suggested 'habits' and the other said 'addictions'. It brought such a smile to my face to see the innocence of these kids minds and how this innocence can allow them to understand things so quickly. They love the processes too because it allows them to become aware of things they may want to stop doing in life. its like knowing the answer to a question that has never arisen in their minds or having two pieces of a jigsaw and not realizing that they go together. and this course aims partly at achieving this with the kids. we then discussed how we can stop these things, one suggested that..'its important to keep active in life, keep yourself busy' !!!

One other experience with the kids this week was when we were discussing that when someone, 'pushes your buttons in life' and you react with negative emotions, you are giving that person your power because you are giving them what they want. This one girl agreed and then said that...'You might be giving that person power but deep down they don't have any power. Thats why they are being like that to you, because they are jealous and angry.' She was approaching the point from a slightly different angle as to what we discussing but it was so beautiful to see a 10 year olds clear understanding of this point.

My main hope is that we can reach as many kids as possible and kindle this knowledge in them that is already so present but just not always applied in life.

- Peter
YES! teacher

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